Anyways, back to the houses. 1632 received a coat of blue board on the inside of the first floor walls, which is dense insulation to help keep the house cooler in summer and warmer in the winter. Framing was then placed over the blue board.
Here the Friday team works on installing the blue board:
Here the Friday team works on finishing touches to the right wall framing before putting it in place:
The view of 1632 at the end of Friday:
For 1630 N Gilmor, that house did not yet have its subfloor installed, and the teams from Friday and Saturday worked to finish the subfloor. The same process applied to 1632 will now be applied to 1630 to insulate the house and to get ready to install joists for the second floor.
Here the team finishes the subfloor on the first floor by trimming back overhang over the stairway.
Many thanks to Bill Marsh and his team as well as our regular Saturday volunteers.
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