Our workday was a gorgeous sunny day which is fairly normal for May. But, what was not so normal was the 90 degree thermometer making our workday feel more like July than May. Despite the heat and sun, though, we had a great turnout and accomplished a lot. Our big focus was to continue working on the first floor's subfloor. Most of the joists had been laid during the last workday, so all we had to do was glue and nail sheets of 3/4" subfloor plywood onto the joists. Seems easy enough but execution can be difficult since the plywood locks up with its neighbor sheets and since you have to be a careful balance beam walker if on the joists themselves. Walking on "doubles", where two joists are connected to each other is easy though since a 6" beam is a lot easier to walk on than a 3" beam.
Another major task of the day was getting the fencing installed. Poles installed immediately after the foundation was poured were trimmed to the right height and capped. Fence pole was strung through the caps for support and then the fence is clamped to the poles. Although not quite finished, the fence is looking great already.
To prevent our lovely new first floor from warping in this rainy time of year, and coat of shallack was applied to the floor. This causes the water to run off without being absorbed into the wood. Our last house had to have two floors reinforced with more plywood because too much warping occurred during rains. So tarps we used were not full proof and water that got under the tarp would be trapped and cause more damage.
Here are some photos of our efforts:

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