It has been a while since we posted on the status of the Northrop Grumman sponsored houses with Sandtown Habitat for Humanity. for that I apologize, but work has continued steady since our last post in late October. some days have been quite nice, while others a bit cold like this past Saturday. But volunteer turnout has been steady and even growing, and for that we thank you. We recently migrated our volunteer tool to the web, namely
SignUpGenius that has made managing things a little easier, and a recent ES ad campaign in the FYI has also helped to let people know we need help putting the finishing touches like spackle, caulk, and paint in the house to make the house into a finished product, a.k.a an actual home for a deserving family.
Unlike many other years, this set of houses at 1630 and 1632 N Gilmor has seen turn over on who will be acquiring the houses once they are complete. Normally, the home owner is known well in advance and gets the chance to work along us. This shows them what is really behind the drywall, cabinets, sinks, etc. and also allows us volunteers to get to know the main homeowner and their family well before the dedication date. 1630 and 1632 have had a few home owners each that for one reason or another could not complete the Sandtown Habitat program and therefore be eligible to purchase the house, but as it stands right now, Danny is set to inherit 1630, but no one has been choosen to inherit 1632. As such we have been more focused in recent weeks to finish 1630 and only working on 1632 on the side.
Jobs performed since late October include installing a few more doors, cutting and installing trim and baseboard, cutting custom window sills and stair caps, installing closet shelves, painting, caulking, cleaning out the basement, filling in a few holes in the basement with cement, and installing luan plywood over the subfloor in areas where linoleum will be installed. Work continues in these areas and more (bathroom vanity install, kitchen cabinet install, dining room custom shelves, etc.) in future. So please come down and help us out.
Here are some photos from Jan 12th of the crew performing various tasks:
Kurt posing by a door after installing it:

James posing as well:
Measuring and fixing custom window sills:
Mike and Rob take a quick breather outside.
Gary and Danny search for the right tools for us in the Habitat truck.