No biggie though because the house continues to progress thanks the helping hands of many Northrop Grumman employees and their friends and families. We've had five regular work days at the house and 2 team build opportunities, where specific groups from NGC work on the house on an off Friday. As a result the house is looking good. The roof was finished including securing the original hand-crarved lattice vent to the new roof. All the internal framing has been completed, and work has begun on a deck to overlook the beautiful sod that was recently put in. Two tubs have been put in each of the upstairs bathrooms, and a storage area was added under a turn in the stairs to use all the available space in the house. All the fireproofing has also taken place. Soon the professionals in electrical, plumbing and HVAC will come in to the house to do their jobs. We also got the great news that spray insulation will be used. Not only does it do a great job of insulating a house, it also keeps us volunteers from having to install fiberglass sheets of insulation, which is one of our least favorite jobs. So thanks to everyone that can out and supported us so far, now we are reaching that sprint before the dedication where the framing starts to look like a house, and then at the dedication, the house turns into a home for Tonya and her family.
Check out some of the latest pics:
Check out the tub waiting for some plumbing.
Here is a great picture from the 3rd floor of the deck being constructed:
Here is a great view of the new lawn and the team from the last team build of the year:

Here is a nice view of the deck and stucco along the back wall: