May we remember Allen, his vision, and his ability to get all people to believe in building Sandtown as a community, not just a bunch of restored houses.
After starting the morning with announcements, many thanks to all the sponsors, churches, homeowners, schools, and groups that volunteered for the day and singing a few songs, we headed to the house. On Monday, we had group of about 12 Northrop folk that showed up and Tuesday we had a mix of three Northrop people and a few friends from Stanley Black and Decker and the US Coast Guard. In that time we made a lot of progress on getting the second and third floor ready. We framed the exterior walls on the second floor and the homeowner and her family exposed the brick wall in the front foyer. We also got all of the joists laid for the third floor and began laying subfloor down on the third floor. All this occurred in the 90+ degree heat. Thankfully the Build Week support group did very well to make sure we had lots of cool liquids available, as well as slices of fruit. Our lunch break was also nice to cool down in the shade and to sit and meet other volunteers from various locations around Maryland and even New York City.
Here are just a few pics I took at the end of the day Tuesday. In the first one you can see us packing up the tools and power cords for the day, and well as the rear of the house where the new second floor windows and framing and the third floor joists are visible. In the second is the view from the second floor.
Many thanks to everyone that came out Monday and Tuesday, and I hope that the 19th Annual Summer Build Week continues to be safe and productive.