We would like to welcome you to the Northrop Grumman sponsered blog for Habitat for Humanity. Northrop Grumman (a fortune 500 company, and a major defense contractor) supports Habitat for Humanity throughout its business locations around the United States. The Electronic Systems Division of Northrop just provided the necessary $50,000 to sponser a house in west-side Baltimore (near where hit show The Wire takes place). The goal of this blog is to track the progression of the house from a run-down unlivable space with a collapsing roof to a beautiful home providing a selected Habitat family a place to live and grow. The Habitat affiliate we are working with is called Sandtown Habitat and our house is located at 1606 North Gilmor Street which is a few blocks away from Sandtown headquarters. To the left is a picture of our house from the front. Looks good doesn't it? Well, as they say don't judge a book by its cover, take a look at some other photos. It is definitely in bad shape at the moment. Let's see what we can do to fix it up.

As you can see from the side, the roof collapse has caused some pretty significant damage. Not to mention the fact that every rain, snow, sleet, etc. easily gets into the upper floors, weakening the structure even more. The right side photo is from the second floor. We made it up the first flight of stairs despite how they lean significantly but we didnt dare go up to the third floor. You can see the roof (or what's left of it) on the second floor! We have some work to do, care to join us?